

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Sudan Ukraine Aircraft Repair Plant 410 direct involvement repaired military aircrafts Libya, Sudan, Yemen delivery details
United Arab Emirates United States of America Bell Textron Inc. direct involvement manufactured military helicopters Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia Canada General Dynamics Land Systems as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia Canada General Dynamics Land Systems as parent company manufactured tanks Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia Canada General Dynamics Land Systems as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia Canada General Dynamics Land Systems as parent company manufactured tanks Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia United States of America General Dynamics Land Systems direct involvement modified tanks Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia United States of America General Dynamics Land Systems direct involvement manufactured tanks Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia United States of America General Dynamics Land Systems direct involvement modified armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Kuwait United States of America General Dynamics Land Systems direct involvement modernized tanks Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia France Lohr Group as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Russian Federation PO LSZ direct involvement manufactured missiles Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen delivery details