

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Egypt France ECA Group as parent company designed military vehicles Egypt, Libya delivery details
India Republic of Korea (South Korea) Hanwha Aerospace as parent company awarded license artillery vehicles India, Pakistan delivery details
Turkey Republic of Korea (South Korea) Hanwha Aerospace as parent company manufactured military vehicles Azerbaijan, Libya, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey delivery details
United Arab Emirates Republic of Korea (South Korea) Hanwha Aerospace as parent company manufactured artillery vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Egypt Republic of Korea (South Korea) Hanwha Aerospace as parent company manufactured, awarded license artillery vehicles Egypt, Libya delivery details
Egypt Republic of Korea (South Korea) Hanwha Aerospace as parent company manufactured, awarded license military vehicles Egypt, Libya delivery details
Egypt Republic of Korea (South Korea) Hanwha Aerospace as parent company awarded license armoured vehicles Egypt, Libya delivery details
Brazil United States of America Honeywell Aerospace as a consortium shareholder manufactured military components Brazil delivery details
Israel United States of America Honeywell Aerospace direct involvement manufactured military components Israel delivery details
Turkey United States of America Honeywell Aerospace as a consortium shareholder manufactured military components Azerbaijan, Libya, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey delivery details
Turkey United States of America Honeywell Aerospace as a consortium shareholder manufactured military components Azerbaijan, Libya, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey delivery details
Qatar United States of America Honeywell Aerospace direct involvement manufactured military components Libya, Yemen delivery details