

Recipient Country

Supplier Country

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Iraq Bulgaria BMMG as parent company exported tanks Iraq delivery details
Iraq Bulgaria BMMG as parent company exported tanks Iraq delivery details
Qatar Turkey Havelsan direct involvement manufactured military components Libya, Yemen delivery details
Iraq Germany IMS Industrial & Marine Services GmbH & Co. KG direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Iraq delivery details
Turkey Germany IMS Industrial & Marine Services GmbH & Co. KG direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Azerbaijan, Libya, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey delivery details
Turkey Germany IMS Industrial & Marine Services GmbH & Co. KG direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Azerbaijan, Libya, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey delivery details
United Arab Emirates Germany IMS Industrial & Marine Services GmbH & Co. KG direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Cameroon Slovakia WZL-1 direct involvement modernized military helicopters Cameroon delivery details