

Recipient Country

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Indonesia United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Babcock International Group direct involvement awarded license warships Indonesia delivery details
Qatar Turkey Cummins Inc. direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar United States of America Cummins Inc. direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar United States of America Cummins Inc. direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar United States of America Cummins Inc. direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia United States of America Cummins Inc. direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Indonesia United States of America Cummins Inc. direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Indonesia delivery details
Indonesia United States of America Cummins Inc. direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Indonesia delivery details
Indonesia Republic of Korea (South Korea) KDB Bank as parent company manufactured submarines Indonesia delivery details
Indonesia Republic of Korea (South Korea) KDB Bank as parent company manufactured submarines Indonesia delivery details
Qatar Germany Krauss-Maffei Wegmann direct involvement manufactured tanks Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar Germany Krauss-Maffei Wegmann direct involvement manufactured artillery vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar Germany Krauss-Maffei Wegmann direct involvement manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar Germany Krauss-Maffei Wegmann direct involvement manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Jordan Netherlands Krauss-Maffei Wegmann direct involvement manufactured military vehicles Yemen delivery details
Qatar Germany Krauss-Maffei Wegmann direct involvement manufactured military vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details