

Recipient Country

Supplier Country

Location of Conflict

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Egypt Italy CDP Equity as parent company manufactured warships Egypt, Libya delivery details
Iraq Italy CDP Equity as parent company manufactured warships Iraq delivery details
Qatar Italy CDP Equity as parent company manufactured warships Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar Italy CDP Equity as parent company manufactured warships Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar Italy CDP Equity as parent company manufactured warships Libya, Yemen delivery details
Indonesia Italy CDP Equity as parent company modernized warships Indonesia delivery details
Indonesia Italy CDP Equity as parent company Manufactured warships Indonesia delivery details
Libya Jordan KADDB Investment Group as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya delivery details
Libya Jordan KADDB Investment Group as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya delivery details
Libya Jordan KADDB Investment Group as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya delivery details
Cameroon France Sofema as consortium repaired warships Cameroon delivery details
Egypt Netherlands VSE Corporation direct involvement exported radar systems Egypt, Libya delivery details