

Recipient Country

Location of Conflict

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Pakistan Germany EMT direct involvement manufactured drones India, Pakistan delivery details
Iraq Czechia HSC Aerojet Zrt as ultimate parent manufactured combat aircrafts Iraq delivery details
Iraq Czechia HSC Aerojet Zrt as ultimate parent manufactured combat aircrafts Iraq delivery details
Iraq Czechia HSC Aerojet Zrt as ultimate parent manufactured combat aircrafts Iraq delivery details
Iraq Czechia HSC Aerojet Zrt as ultimate parent manufactured combat aircrafts Iraq delivery details
Ukraine Lithuania HSC Aerojet Zrt as ultimate parent manufactured combat aircrafts Ukraine delivery details
Indonesia Republic of Korea (South Korea) KDB Bank as parent company manufactured submarines Indonesia delivery details
Indonesia Republic of Korea (South Korea) KDB Bank as parent company manufactured submarines Indonesia delivery details
India Ukraine SpetsTechnoExport direct involvement exported military components India, Pakistan delivery details
Indonesia Ukraine SpetsTechnoExport direct involvement exported tanks Indonesia delivery details