

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Turkey United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Edo UK Ltd as parent company manufactured bombs Azerbaijan, Libya, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey delivery details
Armenia Russian Federation Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology as parent company manufactured military vehicles Azerbaijan delivery details
Armenia Russian Federation Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology as parent company manufactured military vehicles Azerbaijan delivery details
Brazil United States of America Oshkosh Corp. as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Brazil delivery details
Iraq Unknown supplier(s) Oshkosh Corp. as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Iraq delivery details
Saudi Arabia United States of America Oshkosh Corp. as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia United States of America Oshkosh Corp. as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
United Arab Emirates United States of America Oshkosh Corp. as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
United Arab Emirates Sweden Traton as parent company manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Kuwait Germany Traton as parent of a consortium shareholder manufactured armoured vehicles Yemen delivery details
South Africa Sweden Traton as parent company manufactured military components South Africa delivery details