

Supplier Country

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Ethiopia Germany H3 Aerospace Group as parent company manufactured military aircrafts Ethiopia delivery details
Myanmar Germany H3 Aerospace Group as parent company manufactured military aircrafts Myanmar delivery details
Jordan Germany H3 Aerospace Group as parent company manufactured military aircrafts Yemen delivery details
Jordan Germany H3 Aerospace Group as parent company manufactured military aircrafts Yemen delivery details
Brazil Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Brazil delivery details
Egypt Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Egypt, Libya delivery details
India Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines India, Pakistan delivery details
India Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines India, Pakistan delivery details
India Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines India, Pakistan delivery details
Israel Germany MTU Friedrichshafen as parent company manufactured diesel engines Israel delivery details
Israel Germany MTU Friedrichshafen as ultimate parent manufactured diesel engines Israel delivery details
Nigeria Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Nigeria delivery details
United Arab Emirates Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Pakistan Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines India, Pakistan delivery details
Indonesia Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Indonesia delivery details
Indonesia Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Indonesia delivery details
Jordan United Arab Emirates MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement awarded license diesel engines Libya, Yemen delivery details
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) delivery details
Egypt Germany MTU Friedrichshafen direct involvement manufactured diesel engines Egypt, Libya delivery details
Azerbaijan Israel Shlomo Group as parent company manufactured warships Armenia, Azerbaijan delivery details
Qatar China Sichuan Aerospace Industry Corp direct involvement manufactured missiles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar China Sichuan Aerospace Industry Corp direct involvement manufactured artillery vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details