

Supplier Country

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Azerbaijan Russian Federation Military Industrial Company LLC direct involvement manufactured tanks Armenia, Azerbaijan delivery details
Myanmar Russian Federation Military Industrial Company LLC as parent company manufactured armoured vehicles Myanmar delivery details
Uzbekistan Russian Federation Military Industrial Company LLC direct involvement manufactured armoured vehicles Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan delivery details
Brazil United States of America TTM Technologies Inc as ultimate parent manufactured radar systems Brazil delivery details
Qatar Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured military components Libya, Yemen delivery details
United Arab Emirates Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured missiles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Azerbaijan Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured artillery vehicles Armenia, Azerbaijan delivery details
Azerbaijan Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured missiles Armenia, Azerbaijan delivery details
Azerbaijan Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured missiles Armenia, Azerbaijan delivery details
Azerbaijan Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured bombs Armenia, Azerbaijan delivery details
Pakistan Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured electronic weapon systems India, Pakistan delivery details
Pakistan Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured electronic weapon systems India, Pakistan delivery details
Pakistan Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as a consortium shareholder manufactured military helicopters India, Pakistan delivery details
Iraq Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as a consortium shareholder manufactured military helicopters Iraq delivery details
Iraq Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company manufactured electronic weapon systems Iraq delivery details
Iraq Turkey Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as parent company designed military components Iraq delivery details
Democratic Republic of the Congo Ukraine Ukroboronprom direct involvement exported tanks Democratic Republic of the Congo delivery details
India Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured military gas turbines India, Pakistan delivery details
India Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured military components India, Pakistan delivery details
India Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company modernized military components India, Pakistan delivery details
India Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured military gas turbines India, Pakistan delivery details
India Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured military gas turbines India, Pakistan delivery details
India Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured military gas turbines India, Pakistan delivery details
Qatar Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured missiles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Qatar Ukraine Ukroboronprom direct involvement exported missiles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Pakistan Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured diesel engines India, Pakistan delivery details
Pakistan Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company designed diesel engines India, Pakistan delivery details
Pakistan Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured diesel engines India, Pakistan delivery details
Indonesia Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured tanks Indonesia delivery details
Kyrgyzstan Russian Federation Ukroboronprom as parent company manufactured military aircrafts Tajikistan, Uzbekistan delivery details
Sudan Ukraine Ukroboronprom as parent company repaired military aircrafts Libya, Sudan, Yemen delivery details