

Recipient Country

Location of Conflict

Recipient Country Supplier Country Company Company Involvement Contribution to Delivery Weapon Category Location of Conflict
Qatar United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Raytheon Systems Ltd UK direct involvement manufactured bombs Libya, Yemen delivery details
Brazil Italy Selex ES direct involvement manufactured radar systems Brazil delivery details
Brazil United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Selex ES direct involvement manufactured radar systems Brazil delivery details
Brazil United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Selex ES direct involvement manufactured radar systems Brazil delivery details
Qatar Italy Selex ES direct involvement manufactured radar systems Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia Italy Selex ES direct involvement manufactured radar systems Libya, Yemen delivery details
Brazil Italy Selex ES direct involvement manufactured military aircrafts Brazil delivery details
Saudi Arabia Georgia STC Delta direct involvement manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details
Saudi Arabia Austria STI Defense direct involvement manufactured armoured vehicles Libya, Yemen delivery details