
Libya (opposition),
Sudan (Darfur),
Sudan (inter-communal rivalry),
Sudan (opposition),
Sudan (SPLM/A-North / South Kordofan, Blue Nile),
Yemen, Saudi Arabia (al Houthi forces)
BICC Human Rights Assessment
BICC Illicit Arms Trade Risk
Conflict Detail Descriptions
Libya (inter-tribal rivalry):
The limited war over subnational predominance and resources such as oil between tribes in southern Libya deescalated to a violent crisis. Inter-tribal violence continued to concentrate in the Wadi al Hayat district and Murzuq district. Specifically, the largest Libyan oilfield al-Sharara as well as the al-Feel oilfield were focus of contention this year between the main regional tribes of Touareg and Tebu, who largely supported the Government of National Accord (GNA) against the Zuwaya and Awlad Suleiman tribes, who supported the so-called Libyan National Army (LNA) [!Libya (opposition)]. The various tribal alliances with the GNA and LNA have often changed in the past years.